Tinky went to the Acton Agility trial today, her first trial in over 2 months! I had quite low expectations to be honest, we hadn't Q'd in awhile, and with the lack of trialing recently and not as much training as usual I wasn't expecting a fantastic showing.
Tink started off the day with a great run that put me to shame. We were in the very first run of the day, so as soon as I got there I didn't have much time to get settled, I didn't even get to look at the course map before I walked it! I was a bundle of nerves and fumbled through the course like an idiot, but Tink somehow pulled through for me, earning her 3rd Steeplechase Q and a first!
Our second run was a Advanced Standard. She knocked a bar on the second jump, and had a wrong entry to a tunnel shortly after, but did the rest of the run wonderfully, ending up with a 3rd!
For the jumpers run the judge asked everyone wanted to run to music, he was met with a response of applause. It made the runs so much more fun to watch, and you can tell that the crowd loved it too! You couldn't even tell while you were running that there was any music on, so it wasn't a distraction at all. Tink even got her 2nd Advanced Jumpers Q and another first, moving her into Masters! Which we signed up for and ran that day. I think Tink was getting a bit tired at that point her 2 runs before were pretty close, and she had an upset belly all day, which I think added to her distruction. When Tink goes down, she loves to go down in flames!!
She got a good long rest before her last run of the day, another Advanced Standard, it was my turn to be tired, and it was handled horribly! Tink did the best she could!
The worst part of the day (and probably didn't help my handling) was that my pants were too long, and got all wet, and muddy from the dirt ring, and kept trying to fall down! By the end of the day I was walking on pants!
Natasha was on camera duty... bad decision! ;) I only ended up with one picture! Not even a good one! She tried, and failed, many times to make a video.
One of the most shocking moments of the day, Mandiee volunteered for Ring Crew, and actually did it! 3 times! In a row! It was a fun day, I'm good and tired, but I can't wait to do it again!