Natasha, Tink and I set off today to Orangeville for the K9 Thunder agility trial. After a little issue of the bank not sending out debit information when I went to buy gas for a few minutes, and me having no other way to get money, about an hour away from home, we were nothing but smooth sailing... Not!!
Shortly after arriving, Natasha pointed out that not only did I have my shirt on backwards, but it was also inside out! So I went to zip up my sweater to hide the tag, and my zipper broke! It's was nothing but a sign of things to come.
Tink had 4 runs throughout the day, some runs with major problems, and some with just minor. Tink had an awesome Master Jumpers at the end of the day, but knocked a bar, otherwise it was near perfect. Another good part was that we won a new dog bowl stand from the raffle. Yay!
The day finished an hour early, and so we set off to go to see the new puppy! After a little bit of backtracking, we found the proper parking spot and headed to the house (well what we hoped was the right house, which it was (and what a gorgeous house it is!)). We sat with some very cute, sleepy puppies, it was so nice to finally see them!
Catharine's friend came with her kids to visit the puppies too, and on her way in, she got stuck in a snow bank! She was behind us, and there wasn't a lot of room to drive around, I tried, but kept getting *almost* stuck myself, so I stopped trying. We waited about an hourish for a tow truck, who I asked to make sure I got out too! He towed her out, and I had to reverse out (and I suck at reversing) I *almost* got stuck a few more times, but made it out without using a tow truck, yay.
So a loooong 14 hour day, but it's the crazy stuff I do for my dog!
Pictures and videos coming in (hopefully ;)) a few days!
February 24, 2008
February 22, 2008
My Funny Valentine
Dawn went over to see the Ceilidh puppies today and sent me some updated pictures. She's looking super cute! Dawn says she full of beans, which I'm very cool with! Her ears seem to sit awfully high on her head, making me think she possibly could end up with prick ears. That would be cute. But I'm not the best judge of those types of things...
It's official! I will be stopping by Ceilidh's to see the puppies on Sunday on my way home from Tink's agility trial on Sunday!! Yay!! I also found out some cool information. A boy in my little brother's class is also getting a puppy from this litter! It's a small world! So enjoy the pictures of Valentine, and if you go to HiQ you can see updated pictures of the boys from this litter!

It's official! I will be stopping by Ceilidh's to see the puppies on Sunday on my way home from Tink's agility trial on Sunday!! Yay!! I also found out some cool information. A boy in my little brother's class is also getting a puppy from this litter! It's a small world! So enjoy the pictures of Valentine, and if you go to HiQ you can see updated pictures of the boys from this litter!

This is the same pictures as the one above, but Dawn photoshopped out the hand!
February 17, 2008
Pictures galore!
I feel spoiled! After 3 weeks of getting no pictures, between today and yesterday I got lots! I just found these ones on the HiQ site! The pups are so cute. I hope I can get up there to visit very soon! Enjoy!

Here's Valentine! So pretty!





And one more shot of Valentine, for good measure!
February 16, 2008
More news!!
I just got yet another email today!! Here's what Catharine has to say about the puppies, and pictures of all the pups!
Feb 13, 2008
I made an attempt to do the head shots again-"stay" is not working - and two sets of hands would be nice .
All the pups have their eyes open- and are beginning to "toddle" a little more each day.
The photo's don't do them justice- they are amazing!!
Feb 14 2008
All pups are walking - a couple have attempted forward leaps, pretty impressive. They are balancing in sit position, not steady but balancing. We have had growl/ bark- like combinations from 2 pups - which seemed to startle the originator!
So much fun yet to come!
I keep adding to this email because our satel. system has been down since the 5th or 6th - hoping to connect soon
I made an attempt to do the head shots again-"stay" is not working - and two sets of hands would be nice .
All the pups have their eyes open- and are beginning to "toddle" a little more each day.
The photo's don't do them justice- they are amazing!!
Feb 14 2008
All pups are walking - a couple have attempted forward leaps, pretty impressive. They are balancing in sit position, not steady but balancing. We have had growl/ bark- like combinations from 2 pups - which seemed to startle the originator!
So much fun yet to come!
I keep adding to this email because our satel. system has been down since the 5th or 6th - hoping to connect soon
Happy (Belated) Valentine
I got an email today from Catharine, Ceilidh's owner. She sent it on February 7, it didn't get to my email box until today, the 16th!! The pictures were taken on February 6th, so she's only about 9 days old. Catharine said they named her Valentine because the markings on her shoulder look like a stylized heart, aww! She is very cute, I can't wait to meet her!
February 11, 2008
Adventures in towing
Well, the day started off as planned, got to Dawn's and hung out with the boys for a bit, then left to go see the Ceilidh puppies as planned for 3 pm. I got about halfway down Dawn's driveway when my car got stuck in the snow. Thankfully Dawn has big trucks that can tow dinky cars like mine. Unfortunatly the tow line was accidentally attached to my wire harness and it was towed out of my car! So I never made it to the Ceilidh puppies. Though we did get to hang out at Dawn's for another 3 hours until my ride, and tow, came (poor lady). Got to spend lots of time with some of her dogs, mainly Tribble, Zac, Twizz and Troo (I am so in love with Troo!). But we also saw Q, Timer and Trekki as well. At one point Trekki, Q and Tribble were all in the kitchen at the same time, Tink and Vash's mother, grandmother and great grandmother. That was cool. I did get a few pictures of the boys, so enjoy!
Speedskate... and possibly Slalom
Slalom tugging on my heel... he's a real feisty boy, and tug crazy!!
Freestyle was my little buddy, and the easiest to take pictures of, he liked to lie beside me
Canuck, and the only shot of Snowboard I got!
February 10, 2008
Tinky Poo and the Blustery Day!
Another day of agility!! And man was it windy!! Thankfully it was an indoor trial. Not like it would have been outdoors anyways, being winter and all! Kind of a scary drive, but all worth it in the end ;) We would have been better off sleeping in in the morning, with the runs we had. Our first 3 runs were Master Jumpers, Steeplechase and Advanced Standard. Lots of issues to work out, got E's in both Jumpers and Standards (and well deserved I must say) and 20 faults in Steeplechase after Tink knocked 4 bars! She made up for it in the last 2 runs, getting Q's and firsts in both Master Gamble (with 96 points) and Advanced Standard. I'm proud of my little girl. I get the next weekend off thankfully... I need the rest! But I will be going to visit both litters of puppies tomorrow, so look forward to lots of pictures! Also Mandiee has some big news, so look out for that!!
February 03, 2008
Car and Dog Trouble ;)
Not really dog trouble, more of handler trouble, but lets start at the beginning. Natasha and I left before 6 am to get to the Rat Pack agility trial. When we got on the highway and started to get up to speed, my car started shaking a lot. So we got off and went back home to see if we could figure it out. Over a half hour later, and another trial run with no problems, we were on our way! I made it *just* in time to join the end of the walkthrough for my first run of the day. After the end of the walkthrough, we went to the car to get Tink, only to discover I had forgot my leash at home through all the hub-bub! So that was a pain in the neck, and back, all day! Two of our runs were FEO because I had earned all those legs I needed, and there were no move ups for that day. Starter Snooker didn't go terribly, considering the shorten walktrough and my frazzled state. She back jumped after 13 points, but it would still be one of our better snooker runs. Advanced jumpers was our other FEO run, it was the last run of the day, I ran it way differently then I walked it, we had 20 faults between refusals and knocked bars, but she still did some impressive work. Our 2nd run of the day was Master Gamble. It was an alright run, she got 32 points in the opening, enough point to have qualified. She did well in the closing until she crashed into a jump, but she continued and still did well. We also had a Steeplechase run... I think I over handled it, I need to find a happy balance. She knocked the bar on the second jump, and had a lot of time wasting 'refusals' so we didn't qualify, if she kept the bar up, we would have just made it by about 0.5 seconds. One thing that made me proud was the way she dived into her weaves, she's doing very well at that now! Another weekend of agility done, and another one next weekend!
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