A blog of our dogs achievments, and anything else we choose to post!
Here's what Tinky will look like when she's old and grey!
Try and find Tink on this giant mound of snow from our deck, that's build up over the winter! Sorry the picture's sideways, and only the snowflakes got the flash, I'll try and get pictures tomorrow in the daylight.
Hi all
Thought you might like a Pup-date on Ceilidh's brood.
All the pups are coming full speed when called. They have become very brave and are running & bouncing off the step to the sun room.
Kessie enjoys taking flying leaps...little air born ball of fluff -landing on the dog cushion, toys and her siblings.
Sherman and Star have figured out how to push the pedal on the trash bin. It squeaks when they push it and then the lid bangs down when they let go. Squeak -bang... Squeak- bang They operate as a tag team - mine is not a quiet kitchen!
Two is into taking the largest thing he can carry/drag to the dog bed and working at it until he gets it into the bed.
Star can successfully pick up and carry a tennis ball- it's too big to fit in his mouth so this is quite a feat.
Demi has mastered climbing into the basket filled with toys and bones for Ceilidh and Jig- pure heaven- all the those neat giant toys, bones & smells.
The pups team up to empty the laundry basket where their clean bedding is kept. Tug ..Tug out it comes.
All the pups are tracking slow moving toys and enjoy a little tug game.
The "Furry 5" are healthy and active.. doing tons of sooo cute things ...I never seem to be able to get to the camera fast enough...
I think this is Depp/Demi... looks like he's peeing in the tunnel! Bad puppy ;)
This is what my car looks like, (though not my actual car, mine is a silvery-blue)