Trial 1
Novice Single Disc - Lots of misses, only getting 28 points and missing out on her final Q for her title.

Furthest Catch - Tink got another Bronze level catch, only 104' this time, so no personal best, but it's fun knowing I can make it over 30 yards for Advanced.

Games - Both Tink and Kessie played 'Extreme RPT' where we had to throw various toys over the 10 yard line, and the dog who retrieved the most toys in 1 minute wins. Tink did pretty well, but I gave her some bad throws. Kessie started off well, I threw out the ball, she returned it like an old pro, but the next toy I threw out, she decided it would be best if she ran around with it by herself.

Trial 2
Novice Single Disc - Tink had a much better round, earning her Q in my first 4 throws. Earning her Basic Disc Dog (BDD) title. Also with 51 points, that brought her point total to 338, giving her enough points for her Disc Dog Exellent (DDX) title. She also got a 2nd place, getting beat out by her Uncle Zephyr by 1 point!

Freestyle - A spur of the moment decision, I added Tink to Freestyle. I didn't know what I was doing, but we had fun, and earned a score of 72.3.

Furthest Catch - Not quite a Bronze level catch, but close...

Games - The first game was getting hula hoops on pylons (no dogs). I got second (yay), getting beat out but the only one to hoop their pylon, Rickelle! (Though most call her Shona!) The second game was a crossover game, whoever made the most catches in 1 minute wins. Tink came away with the top prize, go Tinky!