September 28, 2008

Keeps going... and going...and going...

Today was the 2008 Energizer Disc Dog Championships. It was a packed fun-filled day of a 2 trial tournament in 1 day! Tink had a decent day...

Trial 1
Novice Single Disc - Lots of misses, only getting 28 points and missing out on her final Q for her title.

Furthest Catch - Tink got another Bronze level catch, only 104' this time, so no personal best, but it's fun knowing I can make it over 30 yards for Advanced.
Games - Both Tink and Kessie played 'Extreme RPT' where we had to throw various toys over the 10 yard line, and the dog who retrieved the most toys in 1 minute wins. Tink did pretty well, but I gave her some bad throws. Kessie started off well, I threw out the ball, she returned it like an old pro, but the next toy I threw out, she decided it would be best if she ran around with it by herself.

Trial 2
Novice Single Disc - Tink had a much better round, earning her Q in my first 4 throws. Earning her Basic Disc Dog (BDD) title. Also with 51 points, that brought her point total to 338, giving her enough points for her Disc Dog Exellent (DDX) title. She also got a 2nd place, getting beat out by her Uncle Zephyr by 1 point!

Freestyle - A spur of the moment decision, I added Tink to Freestyle. I didn't know what I was doing, but we had fun, and earned a score of 72.3.
Furthest Catch - Not quite a Bronze level catch, but close...
Games - The first game was getting hula hoops on pylons (no dogs). I got second (yay), getting beat out but the only one to hoop their pylon, Rickelle! (Though most call her Shona!) The second game was a crossover game, whoever made the most catches in 1 minute wins. Tink came away with the top prize, go Tinky!

September 21, 2008

K9 Klubhouse Day 2

Day 2's of trials usually are a bad thing... I dunno what it is, but Tink usually it just nuts! Today was alright, nothing too bad to complain about ;)

Master Team: Tink was teamed up with Cajun, a vizla. Both sides of the course were difficult. Tink had a wrong tunnel entry, so we were Eliminated, but both dogs had faults, so I didn't feel too bad.

Master Standard: Quite an ugly run, all three tunnel entries were the wrong ends... did some walk contact training.

Advanced Junior with Natasha: Another very nice run with Natasha, she did everything she was told too... even the off-course frame!

Steeplechase: Tink had a really good run, coming away with another Steeplechase Q.

Master Jumpers: I got totally and completely lost in several places... poor Tinky!

Off to a 2 trial day at D.O.G. Sports Centre next weekend for a fun-filled day of disc... hopefully we get nice weather again.

September 20, 2008

Sept/08 K9 Klubhouse Day 1

The girls and I spent the day at the K9 Klubhouse trial. Finally had some amazing weather! Not too cold, nor hot for the dogs, a slight, gentle breeze, and... NO RAIN!! Best trial weather, ever!

Tink had a pretty good day too. She started off with a Master Gamble, she had a good run, coming away with 84 points and a Q (our first Q beyond the ones required for an ATCh). Run two was Master Standard, Tink did well... too bad about the handler. I had a few handler errors, causing refusals and knocked bars, equalling 20 faults, but she did well and stayed on course. Natasha then ran Tink in Advanced Junior Handler and earned her 2nd Q. Master Snooker was next, and it was a hard one, I might add! Nobody got a Q on it. We made it further then I thought she would, getting to 22 points before she took the wrong end of a tunnel in the closing. Last run of the day was Steeplechase. With a knocked bar, and dinkin' around on the weaves a bit, Tink was .52 seconds over SCT, so close but no cigar.

I have been getting a lot of compliments lately on how Tink is much more controlled, and as much as I loved it before, it's so much more fun to run her now! We are back for more tomorrow, so keep your fingers (and paws) crossed!

September 14, 2008

Harvest Time

Off on a long (packed) car trip to the 2008 Harvest Disc Dog Trial. We carpooled with our friend Brenda with her dogs Bear and Mitsy, it was a tight fit, but everything fit into Brenda's car. It rained off and on all day (shocking!... NOT!!). Tink had an alright day, not having as successful of a day as the last trial, but still Q'ing in Novice, and topping her Furthest Catch record. One more Q until we title and move into Advanced... I don't know if I wanna do that!! Some tough compitition up there!

September 12, 2008

Quick trial update

Last weekend Tink ran at the Spot On trial. She had four runs.

Steeplechase - a down bar and sloppy weaves... she missed the entry and popped out at 10

Master Standard - some faults (though I forget them...) but Tink made a very difficult weave entry!

Master Team - Tink messed up the weaves...

Master Jumpers - things were going great until the last few jumps... I accidentally pulled her off a jump by calling her name to much and she had a refusal... an otherwise awsome run!

Tink also ran Advanced Standard with Natasha and had a few faults there as well.

Lots of upcoming trials... something every Sunday until November (and some Saturdays too)

September 04, 2008

A Sad Farewell

Q and Trekki

Within about a months time, our breeder Dawn had to say a sad farewell to two of her beloved dogs. Tink's Grandmother, Q (Kessie's Great Grandmother) and Tink Great Grandmother, Trekki (Kessie's Great Great Grandmother). A sad time for Dawn and her family, we are wishing you all the best. The girls have some awfully big pawprints to fill!

September 02, 2008

New Pup Art

What I do when I am bored...

Here are my other ones (I need to make a better one of Tinky).