November 24, 2008
Tinky's speed
I just calculated Tinky's speed from the 3 runs yesterday where the only faults were a knocked bar each. Since there were no refusals or off courses they would be the best runs to give you an idea of her speed. The first Master Standard run she averaged 5.247 yards per second. Because the Steeplechase was a very open course, built for speed, and she had the second best time, I figured she would have been faster then the Standard, but she was only 4.585 yards per second, just shows how much weaves can slow you down, I thought the lack of teeter-dogwalk would have more then made up for it. Her fastest run was Jumpers at 6.01 yards per second... gotta go work on my sprinting! ;)
November 23, 2008
Santa isn't just for kids!
Off to Royackers with the girlies today!
Starting off the day, Tinky had a Master Standard run. Tink had an amazing run! She nailed her weave entry, did tunnel 8 just fine, sent out to the 11-12 with ease, didn't even look at the tunnel for 13-14, and didn't hesitate to do the chute! Great, beautiful, awesome run... until the final bar dropped... *sigh*
Look who showed up at the trial! The girls got their pictures taken with Santa. Tinky did well... but Kessie has a bit of a barking habit... but everything is well and good when she can give kisses... and that she did! Santa got quite the Kessie tounge bath! There was also a delicious luch. Both were fundraisers for the 2009 Canada Cup.

The second Master Standard run didn't go quite as well... I was worried about 2-3-4-5-6... and tried a rear cross on 5, which worked! Though she knocked the 3rd jump. 6-7-8-9-10 also went very weel, another great weave entry... but, even thought it was the same sequence as the first run, Tink had some problems with 11-12-13-14-15, she ran behind the tunnel a bit (which wasn't a refusal because the end of the weaves are past the plane of the tunnel entry), crashed into 13's bars, and wouldn't send out to 14, which caused an off course when she ran into the tunnel. The rest of the run was fine, but I re-did the frame because she didn't hold position.
Steeplechase was an awesome course. Very open and let the dogs FLY! They do a toonie pot for fun, and though I didn't enter, I was eager to see how Tink stood up next to some of the best dogs Canada has to offer. Tink did pretty good, though took a couple turns wider then she needed to (5-6 and 17-18, namely), and knocked a jump (7 ro 8), but she got both entries. Tink ended up 5th of 18 dogs in her division and a Q. And, with a time of 32.50, her time was the 2nd fastest of all the dogs in the whole class, a total of 57!
Master Team didn't go so well. And by no fault of her parter, Whippet. He ran clean and just fine! Tink had the first side but figured neither tunnel should be done by going into the proper end. Silly thing! But she did make a very difficult weave entry... A great weave day overall... yay!!

Look who showed up at the trial! The girls got their pictures taken with Santa. Tinky did well... but Kessie has a bit of a barking habit... but everything is well and good when she can give kisses... and that she did! Santa got quite the Kessie tounge bath! There was also a delicious luch. Both were fundraisers for the 2009 Canada Cup.
November 22, 2008
Kessie all grown up!
Kessie finished another set of agility classes the other day, and as a final class we set up a couple courses to run. The contacts are all lower, the weaves are channeled, and Kessie jumps no more then 10" at this time because of her age. But she did wonderfully! She stuck all her 2o2o contacts (her butt had been swinging off as she turned towards me at the end), she seems to be starting to get the concept of weaving, she does a decent down on a table... faster then Tink even! I'm excited for the future, and can't wait for her to finish growing up so the real fun can begin!!
November 21, 2008
Fixx'in to wish you Happy Holidays!
The Border Collie Rescue Ontario have beautiful christmas cards for sale to raise money for the BCRO.
November 17, 2008
Quick update and the future
Trials are starting to wind down for the off season, so things are a bit slow. Tink did a couple of seminars at Superdog Central the past few weeks. A disc seminar with Morgan Jarvis and an agility seminar with Dante Camacho. We had lots of fun (and an awesome lunch) at both, and learned some good thing.
You may have noticed a change to the blog... just wanted to spice things up a bit. The AAC is also changing up a few things, that will make things different. Including a new game, new titles, the exclusion of Team from the ATChC, and games for Juniors. I am so exciting and looking forward to the next year. Here's what I am hoping for;
- A new camera! I have a lack of pictures to post, due to a lack of a working camera! It's only been a goner since Febuary!! I'm hoping to get one for Christmas.
- Only 3 trials left in the next 6 weekends. Then it'll be 2009! Man how time flies!
- Kessie's first birthday! Puppies are cute and all, but I much prefer adults (though I know it'll be awhile before she acts like one!). Though Tink will be 5 and before I know it, Kes will be too!
- The Regionals (possibly) and Nationals (for sure) being held in Ottawa... I may even have a place to stay!! Now all we need is those 350 points to qualify!
-Kessie's debut in competitive disc and possibly agility.
- Tinky's flyball debut... maybe Feb?
- An ATChC? With or without the new rules, Tink is 8 q's away from an ATChC, it would be nice, and certainly possible, but not the top of my priority list for the year.
- Have the time of my life, and enjoy the time with my girlies!
You may have noticed a change to the blog... just wanted to spice things up a bit. The AAC is also changing up a few things, that will make things different. Including a new game, new titles, the exclusion of Team from the ATChC, and games for Juniors. I am so exciting and looking forward to the next year. Here's what I am hoping for;
- A new camera! I have a lack of pictures to post, due to a lack of a working camera! It's only been a goner since Febuary!! I'm hoping to get one for Christmas.
- Only 3 trials left in the next 6 weekends. Then it'll be 2009! Man how time flies!
- Kessie's first birthday! Puppies are cute and all, but I much prefer adults (though I know it'll be awhile before she acts like one!). Though Tink will be 5 and before I know it, Kes will be too!
- The Regionals (possibly) and Nationals (for sure) being held in Ottawa... I may even have a place to stay!! Now all we need is those 350 points to qualify!
-Kessie's debut in competitive disc and possibly agility.
- Tinky's flyball debut... maybe Feb?
- An ATChC? With or without the new rules, Tink is 8 q's away from an ATChC, it would be nice, and certainly possible, but not the top of my priority list for the year.
- Have the time of my life, and enjoy the time with my girlies!
November 02, 2008
What's in a name?
It seems people have a bit of a hard time getting Kessie's name right, they usually call her Tessie or Cassie. So I shall explain the origins of Kessie's name.
The first time I heard of the word kestrel was when i was reading a book called 'Outcasts of Redwall' from then Redwall series. I had never heard of a kestrel before, but liked the word and later heard it as a name.
It was a name I considered for Tink, but Tink won out (mostly because I was afraid of the Tessie similarity).
A Kestrel
Kessie's name is actually Kestrel, but the name Kessie came to me first. It's from my favorite episode of 'The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh' called 'Find Her, Keep Her'. OK, so maybe I am a self confessed Disney freak (couldn't you tell with my other dog, named Tink?). In this episode, Winnie and friends come across a very young bird during a snowstorm named... well, Kessie. Rabbit is elected to take care of her, despite his protests. Even though he grumbles and complains, Rabbit still takes care of her. Months pass and summer soon turns to fall, when Owl begins to teach Kessie to fly, so she can migrate for the winter. Rabbit's controlling nature forbids this, thinking Kessie will get hurt. During one to their teaching sessions, Rabbit is accidentally flung off a cliff and Kessie comes to the rescue and flies him to safety. The cool weather sets in and Kessie is getting ready to fly south with Owl. Everybody shows up too see Kessie off, everybody but Rabbit that is. Kessie is sad, but Owl insists that they have to leave, so they take off. Rabbit comes running up, with his favorite carrot to give to Kessie as a farewell gift, only to find out he's too late. Rabbit is sad until Kessie dives down from the sky and tackles Rabbit. She tells her 'Rabby' she couldn't leave without saying goodbye. I well up every time. Kessie also appears in another episode and became a regular character in 'The Book of Pooh' which I never ever watched.
The first time I heard of the word kestrel was when i was reading a book called 'Outcasts of Redwall' from then Redwall series. I had never heard of a kestrel before, but liked the word and later heard it as a name.
It was a name I considered for Tink, but Tink won out (mostly because I was afraid of the Tessie similarity).
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