Easter weekend, Tinky competed in her first flyball tournament. She plays with SuperDog Central's On The Fly. She had a good first tournament but needs work on passing and not spitting. She spat her ball way more then I had expected her too.

Each of the 3 days were it's own tournament. Tink ran in Regular on Friday and Sunday, and in Open on Sunday.

Friday our Regular team tied for first, but got beat out in fastest time to place second. On Saturday the same thing happened, another tie but got beat out in time and ended up second. Our Regular team on Saturday got first place. On Sunday Tink's team went into the finals tied
for first and won the first 3 heats in the best of 5!

Tink ended up with 575 and her first 3 flyball titles, FD, FDX, and FDCH.

Tink ended up with 575 and her first 3 flyball titles, FD, FDX, and FDCH.
Also yesterday we attending the last Rat Pack trial of the indoor season. Tink had 5 runs, Steeplechase, Master Standard, Master Team, Master Snooker, and Master Jumper. Tink had an off course (two wrong tunnels and an extra jump in Jumpers) in all but Master Standard and Team. I messed up Tink's weaves in Standard, and because of that redid a blown frame contact, and Tink's only clean run was Team, her partner, Goofy, (it apparently was the Disney Team) must have caught Tink's disease and took a wrong tunnel entry. So no Q's for the day, but all the bars stayed up. I'll be posting videos on YouTube soon, but meanwhile the flyball vids are up there.