So I haven't posted a whole heck of a lot in awhile. Pup's been keeping me busy and there hasn't been a lot of worthwhile stuff to blog. Tink is now playing with Kessie, they play very nice together, though she's still not allowed to sleep next to Tink! Natasha got a sheltie puppy last weekend, his name is Coby, he's fitting in very well with their family. The day after they got the puppy, Natasha came with me to the AAC World Team Fun Match and had a hard time being away from the new puppy. The fun match was... well, fun. The courses were quiet hard! And it was fun watching the demo of most of the team members from Ontario and Quebec. On the team is Tink's Uncle Bogey! Go Uncle Bogey Go! Flyball training is going well. Tink has a super quick box turn, and is holding the ball over all four jumps (ball spitting had started off as an issue)... though putting those two things together is a bit of an problem. But this week she successfully got the ball out of the box and came back over all the jumps, the closest thing to flyball she's ever done! And it was Morgan's birthday so we all got cake! (At least those of us with 2 legs!) This weekend we will be running at the Royackers trial, wish us luck ;) if it's anything like the last few trials, we'll need it! Enjoy the pictures!

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