May 04, 2008

Just one more...

Today we went to the Acton agility trial. We started off with Advanced Snooker. Something I never look forward to. Though Tinky did great and we ended up with 50 points, 1st place and a Q! Steeplechase was next, there was no off courses, but Tink got 20 faults in knocked bars. I was told she tucked her feet under, and to try training at 26" so she kicks her feet out behind her, I think we'll give it a try. Now we'll just pretend we never ran Advance Standard ;) We got almost every fault possible. Knocked bars, off courses, refusals, touching your dog. No missed contacts (Tink rarly misses the yellow), but she wasn't holding the contacts like I wanted her to do. The last run was Master Jumpers, I was kinda worried about how it would go, but Tink was amazing and we had a great run with a first and a Q. We have a 2 day trial next weekend, with an opportunity to earn a few titles. We need 'Just one more...':
-Master Gamble for Tink's MGDC (2 runs this weekend)
-Advanced Standard for Tink's AADC (2 runs this weekend)
-Advanced Snooker to move into Masters (1 run this weekend)
I am excited and I can't wait for the outdoor season to start!


Erin Crossman said...

Sounds like a good trial, better than us!!! Are you going to Royackers in 2 weeks? I am going on the Sunday. If I don't see you there I will see you at Regionals!

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear you didn't have a good day :( We aren't at Royackers, we're going to Spot On, it's a lot more local for me. But I will for sure be seeing you at the regionals!