Then Saturday and Sunday we drove around the corner from home to the K9 Klubhouse trial! Tink had a good first day. The day started off with a Gamble. And a very hard one at that! Nobody ended up getting it! Tink was a bit nuts in the opening... she tends to know she can run around in gamble like an idiot, because that's where she is always the most uncontrolable! Advanced Team went very well. There was an uneven amount of dogs so Tink got to run twice. Her partners were Quinte and Pyro. Tink ran both halves clean! Earning a Q with Quinte, and helping Pyro earn a Q! Natasha and Tink ran for their first time in Advanced Juniors, and even though there was 2 weave refusals, in Juniors, refusals aren't faulted until Masters, so they got their first Advanced Q!
Tink's Master Standard run's contacts were horrible, so we spent some time trying to work on it. Steeplechase went well, we had some nice call offs, and even though we had 5 faults, Tinky earned her 9th Steeplechase Q. One more until another title! It was also Tink's 30th overall Q!
Sunday didn't go so well. Snooker was messy... I kept going the wrong way, and messing up! Master Standard, Jumpers, and Natasha's Advanced run, weren't much better. Steeplechase had no faults, but Tink kept messing up on the weaves and we were a little over 3 seconds over time.
Tink had an odd weave weekend. She nailed the weaves everytime the entry mattered, and messed up everytime there were no faults involved... what an odd child!
Kessie starts agility classes tonight! She'll have a lot of fun, especially because food will be involved!
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