Friday, Day 1, started of with a Touch and Go and a regular AAC sanctioned Steeplechase qualifier, with the top 20% moving on to the Sunday finals. Tink's Touch and Go was... well... touch and go... she hit her contacts, and went! Not exactly what I was hoping for. Steeplechase went pretty good. For the spirit of the weekend, I decided not to force contacts, if i got them, great, if I didn't, oh well... (bad trainer!!). Tink took the first bar in the steeplechase, I thought 'Oh, no, here we go!!' but the rest of the run went very well, Tink even got a pretty tough weave entry, who a lot of dogs were missing. We ended up 18th of 69 dogs. Just 4 spots out of the finals... if that first bar stayed up we would have been 8th.
The video of Tink's run is here.
Saturday, Day 2, our groups first run was Gambles, it wasn't a very good run, in fact our worst run of the weekend, no main gamble and not even a mini. We ended up with only 26 points, and placed 67 of 83 dogs.
Run 2 was Jumpers. We had a refusal, knocked bar and an off course with a wrong end of a tunnel (thanks to me). But Tink some call offs and stuff I didn't think we'd be able to pull off. We got 45 points and placed 65 of 83 dogs.
The video of Tink's run is here.

The video of Tink's run is here.
Tink's mom, Tribble, on the Day One Jumpers course. The winner of the 22" regular division!!
Run 3 was Standard. It started off with 2 jumps and a major call off of a tunnel onto a dog walk, one of Tink's weakest points. She did it flawlessly, it was great!! We knocked the double, I was in the wrong placed and Tink ran past a jump, taking it back when we went to try again, and another knocked bar at the end. We had 35 faults and had 65 points, placing 55 of 82 dogs.
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