This weekend was a bit of a busy one for Tinky! Friday night we went to help set up for K9 Klubhouse's CKC trial, and played at the fun match.
Saturday Tink and Natasha (without me :*( ) set off to the Bowmanville's Fabulous Fifties festival for a sport demo with Superdog Central. She was a little worried without me around and was losing a bit of focus during the first demo. I was able to make the second demo... which was not a good plan, Tinky was just looking for me, so I had to help out. Then I had to go, but I hear Tink did well for her third demo!
Saturday Tink and Natasha (without me :*( ) set off to the Bowmanville's Fabulous Fifties festival for a sport demo with Superdog Central. She was a little worried without me around and was losing a bit of focus during the first demo. I was able to make the second demo... which was not a good plan, Tinky was just looking for me, so I had to help out. Then I had to go, but I hear Tink did well for her third demo!

And this morning, Natasha and I loaded up the car with Tink, Kessie and Coby, and headed off to Royackers for a day of agility. The weather threatened rain, but we were lucky to get out early enough to avoid it! The morning started off with Master Snooker, everything went according to plan, (except for I thought Tink had a refusal in the closing, but we weren't called on it) we got our first Master Snooker Q with 50 points! Our second run was Advanced Team. Tink ran her half clean! No Q, but I was happy with Tink! Steeplechase was next. The run started off beautifully, until we got to the very end, and got an off course... it's hard to make up 20 seconds... even with a fast dog. Our last run was that elusive Advanced Standard... just one more dang Q... Not today, we had a refusal on a jump, but the rest of the run went well. A very good day over all... and best of all, Tink kept up all the bars!! I wish everyday was an agility day!!
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