December 30, 2007

Puppy Watch '07

The Tribble puppies arrived last night. All males! Nothing but stinky, smelly boys! That throws a wrench into my plans... Now I need to make a decision, do I want a male, or do I wait for the CeilidhXRoy litter and hope there's a girl? The good news would be that I'd be guarenteed a red... Possibly a red tri, right Mandiee? ;)

December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to everybody from Tink, Vash, Fenris, Amanda, Mandiee and Steve!

December 16, 2007

Taking Christmas picture...

Dakota, Cody and Tink

I bought a picture frame for my Granma for Christmas for dog pictures. I decided to go to my Aunts house to take pictures of all 3 of our dogs for it. We got hit with probably the biggest snowstorm in years, and I decided to drive in it, and it's only my first winter driving. I had to get out at one point to shovel part of the road with my snow brush! After a very slow drive I got to my Aunt's house, and after visiting a bit started taking pictures. It's hard to take pictures of 3 dogs at once, but I got some ok shots before Dakota quit altogether.

Cody and Tink

December 15, 2007

Pup Art

Please enjoy my 'beautiful' paintings. They took years of slaving to finish! ;)
Tripp; The father of Tink, Vash and the upcoming Kestrel

Vash; the first one I ever made, lol, red dog!

Tink; man is this one the worst! I need to find a better picture to use!

A bird in the hand...

Just a quick puppy update. Amanda's female pup from the Tribble X Tripp litter will be born around the 28th of December! Mark your calendars. They are expecting around 7 puppies! Yay, puppy goodness. Now, how to get across to Tink that she's gonna have to put up with a new bundle of fur?

The call name I have chosen is Kestrel, or Kessie for short... Kes for even shorter;) I am having trouble thinking of a good registered name. It needs to be a maximum of 15 letters including spaces and has to start with 'HiQ'. The one name I had thought of was HiQ Bird of Prey (a Kestrel is a type of small Falcon) but it's just over the mark at 16! Oh, the dilemma! I'm sure I'll think of something...

Also for a name I had thought of Sera and would have like HiQ Que Sera Sera as a registered name, but alas it's even longer at 17 characters! With the circumstances surrounding the breeding, I think it would have been more fitting, but I've had my heart set on Kestrel, Tink was almost Kessie instead!

I will post pictures as soon as I get thim! But in the mean time, please enjoy this 'artists' rendering of what Kestrel could possibly look like!

December 13, 2007

Mommy Dearest

Vash and Tink's mom, Tribble, made it into the 2007 AAC Nationals Steeplechase finals. Click here to see her run!

Tribble at the 2007 AAC Nationals

December 06, 2007

Santa Paws is comin' to town!

Tink and Vash walked in the Pickering Santa Claus parade, here's some pics of them is their silly costumes!

Tink and her best friend Gus, the chihuahua

Santa Vashies!

December 04, 2007

Doggie down!

Tinky has a boo-boo on her toe, from a cracked pad. At least she'll walk on it now. She'll need to take it easy for awhile, which is hard for a Border Collie!

December 02, 2007

Flushed Away

It's 10:15 on December 2. The day of Tink's agility trial. So why am I sitting here writing this blog? This is why...

We got a ton of snow last night. I hate snow... wait, hate is not a strong enough word for what I feel for snow. So here I am sitting at this stupid computer instead of having a blast at the trial. It sucks so bad that we don't have a chance to play, it sucks that $87.50 is flushed down the toilet... and who's going to eat the eight sandwiches I made for lunch? Sigh! That's my rant.