October 20, 2008

Start of the indoor season

This will just be a quick update, not much to blog on. ;)

Off to Royackers for the first indoor trial of the year. It was a frosty morning, so I was glad to be inside, though later the sun was beaming and it was quite nice outside.

Tink's first run was a Team run. Team always sucks as the first run of the day, but Tink rocked and ran her half clean. Tink's partner, Wish, didn't, but in all fairness, she had a much harder half.

Tink had a decent Standard run, though she took an off course jump, but did the rest well!

Steeplechase was going well, though one knocked bar, until the end, when I for half a second forgot where I was going, and before I knew it, Tink was off course.

Gamble was bad... I pre-planned it more then I ever had before. Nothing went according to plan, and Tinky was out of control! Totally doing what she wanted and forgetting her contacts. The main gamble was a bit difficult, with a nasty weave entry, though more dogs got it then I expected. Tink tried and did better then I thought, but didn't get it.

Only one more trial next weekend, then we get a three week break from trials.

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