December 21, 2008

Tink's first time out

This is Tink's very first time running at a trial. I ran her FEO at a lower jump height just to see how she'd do. I also think this was the first time she ever did agility anywhere else other then the Klubhouse. She was so loud! (Not to say she isn't now!) We were so choppy back then (not to say we are great now, hehe, but there certainly is a difference). I think this was Sept '06.

(If anybody can help me embed... that would be great... not so good at this computer crap... copy/pasted link, blogger is telling me 'Tag is not closed')


Simba said...

cute! I find trying to embed stuff from photobucket very frustrating. It's easier to upload the video directly to blogger or to put it on Youtube, then embed. ;o)

melissa + simba

Amanda said...

Thanks. I don't have the file, so I can't upload it :(... why can't things be simpler! lol